Fundamentals of Marketing


Fundamentals of Marketing


Open to all grade levels

 Marketing is a dynamic and exciting field. Marketing is often times synonymous with advertising and promotion; however, these are just two facets of marketing. In addition to these two concepts, you will also learn about the consumer decision process, marketing segmentation, product development, pricing, and the stages of the product life cycle and their impact on the marketing mix. A primary goal of all marketing courses is for students to acquire skills that can be applied to today’s workplace. This includes skills in leadership, teamwork, communication, problem-solving, and technology integration. To accomplish these goals and keep students actively learning, several projects will be completed throughout the course either as a team or individually.

Recommendation: Completion of ELA I, Multimedia or Graphic Arts, proficient computer skills, and membership in DECA is highly encouraged.

Articulated Credit Opportunities:

  • State Fair Community College Course: BSMT 106 (3 credits) available upon completion of Marketing and Advanced Marketing