The agriculture industry encompasses the food, fiber, conservation, and natural resource system employing over 20% of the nation's workforce. These courses are designed for students ranging from traditional production agriculture background to the non-traditional agriculture/urban background, and are available to all students who are interested in learning the knowledge and skills related to the agriculture industry (plants, animals, conservation, food science, landscaping, welding, leadership/communications, public speaking, etc.). Students will have an opportunity to earn industry recognized credentials through the Missouri Agricultural Skills and Knowledge Assessment in Ag Mechanics, Agronomy, Dairy Cattle Evaluation, Dairy Foods, Entomology, Farm Management, Floriculture, Forestry, Horse Evaluation, Livestock Evaluation, Meats Evaluation, Nursery/Landscape, Poultry, and Soils. Students can participate in the National FFA Organization.
Courses may be used as articulated credit for a maximum of 15 FREE college credit hours with State Fair Community College and 3 credit hours with State Technical College of Missouri (formerly Linn State Technical College) when completed with a recommendation from the instructor and counselor and the appropriate grade. Dual credit opportunities are also available through State Fair Community College. Agriculture courses are considered a practical art or an elective credit on a student's Personal Plan of Study. Additional graduation requirements may be met through completion of agricultural classes.
Agricultural Education Department Guidelines
1. All freshmen and first year agricultural students must enroll in Agricultural Sciences I. Only under extreme circumstances, and with instructor approval, can a student be enrolled in a different class.
2. All second year agricultural students must enroll in Agricultural Sciences II. Only under extreme circumstances, and with instructor approval, can a student be enrolled in a different class, one exception being that if a student took Agricultural Science I as a sophomore or junior, they can enroll in one of the upper level classes.
3. If a student is an upper level student wanting to enroll for the first time, they must take Agricultural Science I, but can also enroll in upper level classes. Exceptions will be made with instructor approval.
4. Students enrolled in agricultural classes will be required to have an SAE, keep a record book and be involved in FFA. This is because these are intracurricular activities that are required within the curriculum. For some reason, if a student cannot afford involvement, help will be given to them so they will be able to be involved.