PLTW Human Body Systems
Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors
Prerequisite: All PLTW courses require concurrent enrollment in (or satisfactory prior completion of) appropriate grade level science courses.
Students examine the interactions of human body systems as they explore identity, power, movement, protection, and homeostasis in the body. They will study the structure and function of human organ systems, including the endocrine, cardiovascular, lymphatic, respiratory, digestive, urinary and reproductive systems. Exploring science in action, students build organs and tissues on a skeletal Manikin; use data acquisition software to monitor body functions such as muscle movement, reflex and voluntary action, and respiration; and take on the roles of biomedical professionals to solve real-world medical cases.
Dual credit opportunity:
- Missouri University of Science and Technology: BIO SCI 1953 Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology II. (3 credits) Students are encouraged to contact their prospective university to see how the credit will transfer.